People Have Conflict.
The Bible Has Answers.
No one is immune to conflict. Unresolved differences among believers cause pain and distract from our mission.
Jesus knew this, so He left us with clear instructions about how we should manage conflict.
Covenant Mediation and Arbitration serves individuals, churches, non-profit organizations, and businesses by guiding them to dispute resolution by bringing practical modern tools to the Biblical conflict roadmap.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- Jesus Christ is the living Son of God whose life, death, and resurrection are the Good News of God's plan to redeem his creation.
- The teachings of Jesus are reliable for abundant and eternal life.
- Conflict is a part of every life because people continue dwelling in sin in a broken world.
- Jesus taught a specific roadmap for dealing with conflict.
Step 1 - Private Discussion
The first and most important step in the Bible's roadmap for conflict resolution is the simplest (and often most difficult) step you can take: talk to the person with whom you are in conflict.
Jesus said: If your brother or sister sins,go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over." - Matthew 18:15
This step is indispensable. Honesty and openness settle disputes faster than any other tool. And, if it works, you can begin immediately to rebuild the relationship. If this approach fails, you can at least know that you've given the dispute a fair chance to be settled without involving others.
Because we believe a private attempt at settling differences is essential, we provide free tips and tools to help you with these sometimes difficult discussions. And we insist that all parties at least attempt to work out their differences before moving on to the next step in our process.
Step 2 - Mediation
Mediation is a tool used by lawyers, judges, and other dispute-resolution professionals to assist parties with finding a workable solution to conflict.
Mediation usually involves the parties coming together in a facilitated meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of arriving at a solution to their dispute. Lawyers or mediators use their training and experience to guide the parties around and through obstacles, charting a path to move forward.
Jesus said that when private discussion of a dispute does not resolve the matter, we must "take one or two others along" - Matthew 18:16. Mediation is the process of taking another person along to assist with resolving your dispute. Covenant Mediation and Arbitration makes sure that person is a trained professional mediator and a trusted Christian.
Step 3 - Arbitration
Arbitration is a binding process by which a qualified lawyer hears the parties' case and issues a final order resolving the matter. This order is enforceable through an easy and quick court process.
Arbitration is an efficient, fair, and cost-effective alternative to court lawsuits. It honors the Biblical teaching of 1 Corinthians 6.
Contact Us
3710 Olivet Church Rd., Paducah, KY 42001
Tel: 270-201-2651
Fax: 270-477-1121